Top Ten Tuesday: Ten random facts about me and books

Welcome to Top Ten Tuesday.

It’s held over at That Artsy Reader Girl, where every week bloggers list their top 10 bookish lists to the theme for the week. This week’s topic is supposed to be about our fave opening lines, but really, I don’t have the memory for that. Instead, here are some random facts about me and books:

  1. I carried all five of Susan Cooper’s The Dark is Rising from Australia to Canada to Amsterdam and back to Australia in my suitcase when I lived overseas for a bit. I still have those copies and yes, they’re my favourite books.
  2. I tried reading The Lord of the Rings and still surprise myself that I got through the first book. No I didn’t attempt the next one. I wonder why huh?
  3. After being at a loss as to what to do with myself after finishing Harry Potter, I contemplated reading Twilight for all of 3.5 seconds. I was over vampires by then, and had less to do with Edward and his shiny-ness.
  4. I think literary fiction can really tell us so much about the world, but I also think people consider it far more important than it actually is worth. Chick-lit, YA are taking on some complex themes, and tell me more about the human condition that literary fiction can some times.
  5. I was banned by members of my family from buying any more mugs… that usually tend to revolve around bookish covers. Ahem.
  6. Then I banned myself from buying bookish tote bags. Or tote bags in general really. I had a problem.
  7. My books are taking over my couch. I’m going to need another bookshelf soon.
  8. I am ridiculously excited at buying books for my nephews, helping them figure out what readers they want to be and most of all just talking to them about books. They’re 4 going on 5, so I have to wait for a bit lol!
  9. I probably need to develop new habits of reading bc once I find a genre I love I go all out … and then I kind of hit a wall and try to find another genre
  10. Star Trek, the movies, started my love for reading sci-fi. Namely Star Trek books, but you get my drift! I still remember sitting in class while everyone was talking around me (free period) and I was happily reading about Captain Kirk and Spock and the Enterprise. And I had never been happier.

And that’s it! Maybe the first lines might have been easier πŸ˜‰

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  • Anne@HeadFullofBooks says:

    People buy me literary mugs. I know what it means to have too many mugs. My TTT Opening Lines

  • Greg says:

    I love classic Trek! I remember having some of the novelizations of the original episodes and reading about those, with the extra nuance, was so cool! I bet those are hard to find now too… hmmm. πŸ™‚

    • Verushka says:

      *high fives* Classic Trek FTW! The extra nuance definitely won me over completely and opened up scifi to me. OH wow, I can’t imagine were I would find them these days — I found them in a hole in the wall second hand store here in Sydney. And they’re long gone. And it blows my mind that Spock is going to be in another show with Pike’s series! I wish Leonard Nimoy had been around to see how the character he created just carries on and on!

  • Nushu @ Not A Prima Donna Girl says:

    Ooh I need to find some of those mugs you were talking about, haha!

    My TTT:

  • Brooke Lorren says:

    I love #8! I’ve made my kids read some of my favorite books. My daughter seems to do her own thing reading-wise now, but the other day my boy found Four Dead Queens on his Kindle (he’s on our family account so he has access to my Kindle books) and started reading it! I took him to meet Astrid Scholte along with Marie Lu and Melissa de la Cruz in March and it turned out to be a great experience for him.

    • Verushka says:

      Aw! He did it on his own? How COOL is that! And also, it gives me the warm fuzzies — I want my nephews to do that one day!

  • Stephanie @ Bookfever says:

    I’m just less and less inclined to read The Lord of the Rings now. Second person I saw not liking the book. xD

  • Marg says:

    I’m a trekkie from way back!

    Enjoyed your list today!

  • Lydia says:

    Your relationship with your nephews sounds wonderful. πŸ™‚

    My TTT .

  • Dini @ dinipandareads says:

    Love what you’ve done this week! I laughed out loud at some of these because they’re totally relatable — I’ve banned myself from buying tote bags as well because it’s definitely a problem πŸ˜‚ I’m also thinking about doing the same for mugs, at least until I have a more permanent place I can set them up since I’m still moving around lol Also, I was just thinking about picking up the LOTR books but I’m now, once again, reconsidering πŸ˜… great post!

  • Jo says:

    Ah I have so many mugs (some bookish, some not) especially for a person who doesn’t drink tea or coffee!
    My TTT:

  • Barb @ Booker T's Farm says:

    You sound like just the kind of kid I would have gravitated toward in school. I always tell people I read The Shining in 6th Grade History class. I was so over that class and often got bored really easily. I love your Twilight comment. I did read all the books and don’t regret it because it kind of rekindled my love of reading but looking back, I personally don’t get all the craze. And I think the movies had the worst casting ever.

    Books on the couch huh? My dogs would not stand for that! πŸ™‚

  • Lark says:

    I need more than one new bookshelf. And while I made it through the first two Lord of the Rings books, I got stuck in the third one and never finished it. Shh. Don’t tell. ;D

  • Sam@wlabb says:

    Hooray for #4! I think it’s terrible, that reading snobs discount entire age/genres. I have a billion tote bags too, but I got most of them at conventions. I hope you get your new books shelf soon, or maybe a new couch, so you have one to sit on?

  • Angela says:

    I love buying books for my nieces and nephews – a couple of them are really quite into reading, so that makes me happy! Literary fiction is nice, but like you mentioned, chick lit and YA have such relatable topics, conveyed in such an easy-to-understand way.

  • Ethan says:

    I completely agree about some literary fiction being touted as the only serious from of literature. There have been so many powerful, timely, and often profound messages in the genre fiction that I enjoy reading!

  • Deanna @ A Novel Glimpse says:

    I am also banned from buying mugs. I’m tempted to “accidentally” break some of the older, hand-me-down mugs we have so that I can buy new bookish ones.

  • Suzanne @ The Bookish Libra says:

    Ooh, this is fun. I love posts where we get to learn fun facts about our fellow bloggers. I completely agree with you about literary fiction and what I’m actually finding for myself is that I enjoy the literary fiction less and less the older I get. Sometimes I’ll get lucky and find a wonderful story, but oftentimes it all just feels so pretentious.

  • Poinsettia says:

    Fun list! I think most of us need more book shelves! Here is our Top Ten Tuesday.

  • Dedra @ A Book Wanderer says:

    I made it through the first two Lord of the Rings, but I can’t bring myself to read the last one even though everyone says it’s the best. Ha! Fun post!

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