Book cover love: bc I need something happy to look at

Book Cover Love: Two beautiful covers to enjoy

Alright, I may be slightly over-reacting but since finishing a book, with a main character I dislike intensely , and shall remain nameless until I post the review, I feel like I need some happy covers to look at because BLAHHHHHH I need to stop thinking about how much I dislike the book.

See the pretty happy cover here:

Book covers: The Square root of summer

My current read: look at the pretty, lovely summery cover? However it is filled with a healthy dose of heartbreak and grief. Here’s the blurb:

This is what it means to love someone. This is what it means to grieve someone. It’s a little bit like a black hole. It’s a little bit like infinity.

Gottie H. Oppenheimer is losing time. Literally. When the fabric of the universe around her seaside town begins to fray, she’s hurtled through wormholes to her past:

To last summer, when her grandfather Grey died. To the afternoon she fell in love with Jason, who wouldn’t even hold her hand at the funeral. To the day her best friend Thomas moved away and left her behind with a scar on her hand and a black hole in her memory.

Although Grey is still gone, Jason and Thomas are back, and Gottie’s past, present, and future are about to collide—and someone’s heart is about to be broken.

And here’s: The Late Blossoming of Frankie Green: because I stressed myself out at work and wanted to sit outside enjoying the fresh air and couldn’t — don’t worry the book has nothing to do with the above lol

Book cover: The Late Blossoming of Frankie Green


Blurb: A laugh-out-loud, feel good, romantic comedy, which will take you on an enlightening emotional rollercoaster. Perfect for the fans of Sophie Kinsella and Jane Costello.

Frankie Green’s happy ever after is put on hold when her childhood sweetheart husband complains things are boring in bed.

When he asks for some space, she sets out to win him back by getting herself a sex education.

Little does she know that her hilarious, tender and embarrassing journey of enlightenment is going to change everything…

A story full of humour, heartache and happiness, of friendship, coming of age and overcoming insecurity.

Okay, I feel better. Nods.

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  • irena_bookdustmagic says:

    I agree with you! Those both covers are just so beautiful and have that feel-good vibe.
    Plus, they’re both on my tbr-soon list. 😀

  • Eva @ All Books Considered says:

    I love the Square Root of Summer cover! I hope the book is just as good!!

    • Verushka says:

      It’s definitely good, Eva, even if the time travel is a bit confusing — there are diagrams and theorems and it all fits the book, but it’s still confusing to me. Others have gotten it straight awayt hough, so it must be me lol

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