The Dressmaker is out soon — or already out elsewhere — but, read this for a little bit of an insight into how the book was brought to screen. It’s quite interesting and I had NO idea how many delays the filmmakers had to endure. It’s worth it though, the trailer looks DIVINE. Beware of slight spoilers at the article there. Like 1.
Holding the Man is the novel by Australian author Timothy Conigrave, and it’s now a film. It’s the love story of Timothy and John Caleo — their life together and their death. Sam Smith is definitely a fan.
An English Professor taught fanfic at a university: I admit it, I cringed a little thinking that 50 Shades is being held up as an example of good fanfic when there is SO much more out there. But, I do appreciate that there are people who respect what fanfic writers do and more importantly their talent.
My Name is N has been on my mind this week. I saw it at Books Kinokuniya here in Sydney and immediately put it on my list of books to read and then I read about the reviews the author is getting from readers complaining they didn’t get a warning that they were reading about a bisexual hero. Did it make his heroics any less? Did they stop reading because he was in love with an art dealer dying of AIDS? Srsly. I mostly just want to read it because it’s Nordic crime.
This one’s good: Why do authors kill off their characters? GRRM everyone who read this article is looking at you. I HATE it when characters die. HATE. But I get it and this explains why well.