I just found the best meme! Follow Friday run by Alison can Read and Parajunkee! Basically, it’s a great way to enjoy meeting new bloggers and getting new books to add to me to be read list 😉
There’s also a question every week and this week it’s: How do you cure a book hangover/blogging slump/reading slump?
Oh that’s a difficult one. It’s different for me for all three — or two rather. For a book hangover or reading slump, I just keep going — reading and reading and discarding anything that doesn’t hold my attention until I find something that does. I have no problem not finishing a book if it’s not doing anything for me, there are other books out there that need reading! Admittedly though, if that doesn’t work, it means I need a time out. I put down the books and take a step back and don’t read. Everyone needs that break, I think.
Actually, that’s the same for all three I think — a time out helps with a blogging slump too. Just stepping back and letting yourself not think about what you have to do and what you have to read etc and letting yourself focus on something else for however long. I think the key too is not to pressure yourself into getting over things asap. You’ll do it when you’re ready. And if you’re not meant to you won’t!
Follow time! Subscribe to my blog, or bloglovin and Twitter (I’ve figured out the icons on my homepage but not in here)
I always try to finish a book as well. Taking a break is hard as a blogger, but a necessity to maintain sanity! Followed you back 😉
I agree, sometimes you just have to step back for a while. New Google + Follower!
I agree, I think sometimes you just need a little break. I know after I read Dangerous Girls by Abigail Haas, it was so good, literally everything I read afterward just wasn’t good enough. It was like nothing could compete. So I just took a little break and now I’m back to reading again.
New follower!