Musing Mondays is a weekly meme that asks you to choose one of the following prompts to answer:
- I’m currently reading…
- Up next I think I’ll read…
- I bought the following book(s) in the past week…
- I’m super excited to tell you about (book/author/bookish-news)…
- I’m really upset by (book/author/bookish-news)…
- I can’t wait to get a copy of…
- I wish I could read ___, but…
- I blogged about ____ this past week…
Some blogging goodness this past week:
- Big Bang Press interview: this is a new press, funded through Kickstarter that has chosen 3 books by fanfic writers in an effort to help them break them into mainstream publishing. I know fanfic has such a bad reputation thanks to 50 Shades but fanfic authors are so much more than 50 Shades. Exhibit 1: Hero at the end of the world,a gorgeous work on what happens when destiny gets it wrong. It’s funny and heartwarming and just so much fun!
- You, me and Them DVD Review: It’s Giles and Gwen! Anthony Head and Eve Myles are a couple in this adorable 6-ep comedy AND I am still in shock that I actually enjoyed Eve Myles in this. I have Torchwood issues. Yup.
- Melbourne Art Book Fair: Melbourne is having an art book fair and I want to cry it’s not in Sydney!
THIS WEEK’S RANDOM QUESTION: What’s your favorite genre? Why?
My favourite genre is urban fantasy. I like my escapism, I like the improbabilities of magic and supernatural powers because the real world has more than enough of everything else. When I am reading or watching movies, that’s what paramount to me — being able to leave the real world behind.
I’d be fascinated to know about your issues with Torchwood.
I’m a long time Doctor Who fans who doesn’t love the spin-off either.
It feels like their version of adult (at least for the first two seasons) is to include swearing and sex scenes instead of actually delving into adult themes and ideas. I feel like Children of Earth finally got it right and the show should have ended there.
I couldn’t make it through season four.
I tried season 1 and part of 2, I think, but there was too much propping up of Gwen and as “our” POV into this world, I felt a little like she was being emphasised as super brilliant and capable often at everyone else’s expense, and they were all more experienced than her in this world. If she’s stumbled and learned it might have been a different story. The continued deaths of everyone BUT her and Jack, were another reason I couldn’t get interested in this show — there were no characters to cheer on besides the two leads, and while they’re important, I wanted to care about a strong supporting cast, not watch them continually die… whew, I got a load off my chest there, didn’t I? Thanks for commenting!
I love hearing what everyone has a a favorite.
Thank you, me too! Gives me new directions to look into for new authors!
didn’t like her in Broadchurch at all – so so in Torchwood but Torchwood wasn’t that good itself in my opinion. That DVD looked like it could be funny – never heard of the programme before.
I too like Urban Fantasy esp. when set in UK – more spec. in London – land of my youth:)
I’m like you — TW turned me off Eve Myles and I did start Broadchurch trying very hard to ignore her character or waiting for her to die horribly, lol — but the character she plays in this is utterly charming and relatable — which none of the other characters she’s played have been. So I’m a convert, but just for this show 😉
OHHH ME TOO! I love urban fantasy set in Europe/London because you don’t often see it at all! I have London Falling next to read on my list — can you recommend any other titles?
Thanks for commenting!
I love urban fantasy, too, almost as much as the more traditional fantasy.
Me too — the contemporary nature of it, and the way authors just make the normal mundane things of real life fantsical totally got me hooked! thanks for commenting!